
Showing posts from February, 2023


                             Singing 🎤             Singing  is  the  act  of  creating  musical  sounds  with  the  voice. A  person  who  sings  is  called  a  singer , artist  or  vocalist. Singers  perform  music  that  can  be  sung  with  or  without  accompaniment  by  musical  instruments. Singing  is  often  done  in  an  ensemble  of  musician , such  as  a  choir.      * What  do  you  mean  by  singing ? : to  produce  musical  tones  by  means  of  the  voice :             To  utter  words  in  musical  tones  and  with  musical  inflictions  and  modulations. : to  deliver  songs  as  a  trained  or  professional  singer. * Is  singing  a  skill  or  a  talent ?           A  person  is  said  to  be  talented  when  they  can  use  physical  intelligence  to  imitate  something  they  see  or  hear  others  do. For  instance , you  hear  someone  else  sing. Your  mind  and  body  and  soul  process  it. And  then  you  use  your  mouth  and  your  body  to  repeat  it  b


🥦🌶️ VEGETABLES FROM  SRI LANKA 🌶️🥦       Sri Lanka grows manifold vegetable varieties for domestic consumption and export purposes. Locally , vegetables are of center importance in the agriculture industry as they become a vital side dish to rice-based diets- the staple in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka carries out advanced and path-breaking research regarding vegetable crops and the main institution responsible for vegetable crops research is the Research Division of the Department of Agriculture , Sri Lanka (DOA). Leading universities , particularly their Agriculture faculties and private sector organisation also contribute to vegetable crops research in Sri Lanka.        Benefitted by diverse agro-climate conditions of various regions, Sri Lanka grows numerous varieties of vegetable crops (around 40 species) in different parts of the country throughout the year. Several vegetable-based cropping systems can be found locally ; in ancient Sri Lanka,vegetables were produced in mixed cropping

Sinhala and Tamil New Year

          🌼   Sinhala  and  Tamil  New  Year  🌼           Being  a  significant  anniversary  to  celebrate  the  traditional  New  Year , Sinhala  and  Tamil  New  Year  is  celebrated  by  not  only  the  Buddhists  and  Hindus  alike , but  by  most  Sri  Lankans  with  much  pomp  and  fanfare. The  festival  generally  falls  on  the  13th  or  the  14th  of  April  every  year  and  marks  the  end  of  the  harvest  season  and  spring.                    The  whole  island  will  be  permeated  with  a  festival  atmosphere  as  people  prepare  for  the  upcoming  celebrations  by  cleaning  and  decorating  houses , making  traditional  dishes and  sweets , etc.          During  the  very  day , people  will  wear  their  best  or  newly  bought  clothes  and  be  busy  with  various  activities , such  as  setting  off  firecrackers  and  fireworks , lightning  the  hearth  (usually by the lady of the house ) , enjoying  the  first  meal  of  the  New  Year  with  families

Adam's Peak 🌄

     🙏   Adam's  Peak  ( ශ්‍රී පාදස්ථානය ) 🙏 Atop  a  conical  mountain  in  Sri  Lanka  sits  a large  foot - shaped  impression  in  rock  that  gives  the  peak  its  name : Sri  pada  or  "holy  footprint."  This  sacred  spot , which  is  also  known  as  Adam's  Peak, figures  in  the  stories  of  four  major  faith  traditions - Hinduism , Buddhism , Christianity  and  Islam - and  it  anchors  a  revered  forested  landscape  that  surrounds  the  mountain. Modern , state - controlled  wilderness - area  management , however , has  come  into  conflict  with  longstanding  local , faith - based  conservation practices , which  recognize  the  interconnectedness  of  spirituality  and  environmental  protection. Increasing  numbers  of  pilgrims  have  also  put  a  strain  on  the  area. As  one  local  inhabitant  of  the  forest  told  researcher  Anoja  Wikramasinghe : " This  is  a  huge  living  organism.... This  Excellency  nurtures  the  life 

My Favourite musician 🎤

              😍 Sashika  Nisansala 😍 She was born on 28  september 1981 in Deraniyagala as  the eldest of the family with one younger brother. She completed primary education at Udapola primary school, Deraniyagala. Then she  attended  to  President's  College, Avissavella  for  grade  5 - scholarship. After  passing  grade 5  scholarship  and  attended  to  the  Dharmapala  College, Eheliyagoda. She  did  the  GCE  Ordinary  Level  Examination  at  Dharmapala  Vidyalaya  and  later  attended  to  Anula  Vidyalaya, Nugegoda  for  GCE Advanced  Level. After  passing  the  A/L, she  entered  University  of  Kelaniya  in  2002  and  completed  a  special  degree  in  Bachelor  of  Arts. Then  in  2006 , she  completed her  Master  of  Arts  degree 👩‍🎓    She  is  married  and  the  couple  has  two  sons 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦             Nisansala  started  music  at  the  age  of  5  where  she  used  to  play  keybord. Then  she  joined  Muthuhara  and  Udara  musical  programs  in  telev


                  🦋 B U T T E R F L I E S  🦋             " Butterflies are nature's angels....They remind us what a gift it is to be alive " - Robyn Nola.     Butterflies are one of the most beautiful creatures in our world. They are colourful insects with scaly wings. We can find them in our gardens , parks , and forests. Butterflies belong to the same order Lepidoptera as that of the moths. Lepidos have Greek origin and mean scales , whereas; ptera represents the wings. Research estimates specify that about 28,000 butterfly species exist in this world 🌍     A butterfly's body is typically divided into three regions-head , thorax , and abdomen. It has six legs and two pairs of large wings. These colourful scaly wings are attached to the thorax portion of the butterfly. And they are provided nourishment and supported by the veins. The body of a butterfly is covered with tiny sensory hairs. Butterflies feed on the nectar of the flowers 🌺       Butterflies have a gr

One of My Favourites

                  🍨🍦   Ice    Cream  🍦🍨           Ice  cream  is  a  sweetened  frozen  food  typically  eaten  as  a  snack  or  dessert. It  may  be  made  from  milk  or  cream  and  is  flavoured  with  a  sweetener , either  sugar  or  an  alternative , and  a  spice , such  as  cocoa  or vanilla , or  with  fruit  such  as  strawberries  or  peaches. It  can  also  be  made  by  whisking  a  flavoured  cream  base  and  liquid  nitrogen  together. Food  coloring  is  sometimes  added , in  addition  to  stabilizers. The  mixture  is  cooled  below  the  freezing  point  of  water  and  stirred  to  incorporate  air  spaces  and  to  prevent  detectable  ice  crystals from  forming. The  result is  a  smooth , semi-solid  foam  that  is  solid  at  very  low  temperatures ( 2 °C  or  35 °F ). It  becomes  more  malleable   as  its  temperature  increases.         The  meaning  of  the  name  " ice  cream " various  from  one  country  to  another. In  some countries,

Maduwanwela Walawwa

           Maduwanwela  Walawwa             Maduwanwela  Walawwa  is  a  Walawwa  located  in  Rathnapura  District , Sabaragamuwa  Province , Sri  Lanka. The  Walawwa  is  in  the  town  of  Maduwanwela , which  lies  between  Embilipitiya  and  Suriyakanda , appromately  207 km ( 129 mi ) from  colombo.          Maduwanwela  Walawwa  dates  back  to  the  reign  of  King  Wimaladharmasriya ll ( 1687 - 1707 AD ). It  was  built  by  Maduwanwela  Maha  Mohottala  in  the  1700s  and  was  expanded  numerous  times  by  the  Maduwanwela  family  until  1905  when  the  final  expansion  was  undertaken  by  Maduwanwela  Maha  Disawe.             During  1877 - 1905  period , the  Walawwa  had  121  rooms , 21  inner  courtyards  ( Meda Midula )  and  80 000  acres  of  land  surrounding  it , at  present  there  are  on  43  rooms  left. Located  on  in  the  grounds  is  a  courthouse  with  seating  space  for  100  people , furniture  and  the  equipment  used  for  punishments  are 

My Favourite Book

                     Harry   Potter 📖️        I  had  read  many  books  but  Harry  Potter  and  the  Philosopher's  stone  is  the  one  i  like most. It  was  written  by  J.K. Rowling  it  is  one  of  the  most  popular  novels  in  the  world. There  are  seven  books. Harry  Potter  and  the  Philosopher's  stone'  is  the  first  book. The  main  characters  are  harry  potter , Harmione  Granger  and  Ronald  Weasley. Harry  Potter  lived  with  his  uncle's  family. When  Harry  was  a  child  his  parents  were  killed  by  an  evil  magician. Time  passed  and  Harry  Potter  had  to  join  his  new  school. Its  name  is  Hogwarts. Here , they  were  taught  about  magic. The  story  is  about  many  wonderful  events  which  happened  in  Harry's  life. I  like  it  because  it  is  an  interesting , curious  and  adventurous  story. I  like  the  way  it  is  written.